Dies Academicus 2024

Celebrating 20 Years of STS in Jerusalem

The Jerusalem Campus of the Faculty of Theology of the Salesian Pontifical University was erected by decree of the Congregation for Catholic Education on February 2, 2011. The Study Centre has inherited the legacy of the Studium Theologicum Salesianum (STS) initially located in Bethlehem (1929), then transferred to Tantur (1949) and Cremisan (1957), and lately moved to the premises of the “Salesian Monastery Ratisbonne” in Jerusalem (2004).

The goal of the STS, as a Faculty of Theology, aims particularly at the theological formation of Salesian candidates to the priesthood. It is also open to students from other religious congregations, to diocesan students, and to lay students. The students ordinarily conclude their studies with the Bachelor’s degree in Theology.

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