September 10 2019 - STS - Jerusalem On the morning of Monday, September 10, 2019, the new students of the STS, Jerusalem Campus of the Faculty of Theology of the Salesian Pontifical University, gathered at the Academic Suite for their first induction session. After a moment for introducing each other, Sr. Angela, the STS Registrar, and Fr. Gustavo Cavagnari, the STS Principal, presented some information about the Faculty, the Bachelor’s programme of studies, the annual calendar, the 1st-year timetable, and other administrative aspects. Next, a group photo session preceded the Diplomas’ presentations by Fr. Andrzej Toczyski and Fr. Gustavo himself.
On September 11, the enrolment of the new students took place. Fr. Jaroslaw Rochowiak, the UPS General Secretary, was present for the occasion. The same day in the afternoon, the students had their first topographical visit to the Holy Sepulchre, led by our dear and highly qualified Fr. Leopold Vonck.
On September 12, the new students concluded their induction programme having an introduction to “Living in Israel,” an interesting and fruitful talk about this – still unknown to them – country, under the guidance of Dr. Marcie Lenk.
As they continue to settle into their new surroundings, the new alumni will surely continue to look back and remember this day’s indications throughout their already started studies.