February 03 2020 - STS - Jerusalem On Monday 3rd February 2020, the STS community gathered to begin the second part of their academic journey 2019-20. The occasion, simple, even if institutional, started after a prayer, with a brief Principal’s address about continuing on the path begun last September and still in progress, intensifying the things that were well done and improving the things that were lacking.

The core moment of the opening ceremony was a speech given by Rev. Dr. Michal Vojtáš, Director of the Don Bosco Studies Centre and of the Institute of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Sciences of Education in Rome. The selected topic was: “Salesian Pedagogy of Vocation: Searching for a Lost Dimension.”

After the gathering, the Students’ Assembly followed with the presentation of new details about the forthcoming Study trip to Jordan, a dialogue based on suggestions and clarifications, and also the election of the new Student Representative and the new Year-group Leaders.

II Semester begins with a Pedagogical note
Students' Assembly - Planning to progress
Revisiting Don Bosco's Educative System
Fr. Michal Vojtáš - a sharing of research
Br. Cornelius animates the discussion.

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