By Prabhu Jesumani SDB

September 12 2018  Studium Theologicum Salesianum  Jerusalem The first week at the Studium Theologicum Salesianum, beginning on September 11, was a colourful experience of sharing and friendship amongst the new students coming from different contexts and cultured. After a moment for introducing each other, Fr. Gustavo Cavagnari, the STS Principal, and Sr. Angela, the STS Registrar, presented some information about the Faculty. Next, a group photo session preceded the Diplomas’ presentations by Fr. Andrzej Toczyski SDB and Fr. William Russell M.Afr.

On September 12 the enrolment of the new students took place. Fr. Jaroslaw Rochowiak SDB, the UPS Secretary General, was present on the occasion. On the same day, the students had their first topographical visit to the Holy Sepulchre, leaded by Fr. Leopold Vonck, M.Afr.

On September13, they concluded their induction having their second topographical visit to the Mount of Olives, Gethsemane, Dominus Flevit, and the Tomb of Mary.

New Students of STS 2018-2019


June 11 2018 - STS - Jerusalem On June 11, three STS Students successfully completed their Baccalaureate exams.

John Paul Soro SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "God’s Progressive Revelation: Creation, Fullness in Christ, the Holy Spirit in the Church, and the Beatific Vision at the Parousia".

Desta Wolde Milkisa SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "The Priesthood of Christ and of Christians: The Nature and Exercise of the Common and the Ministerial Priesthood and the Treatment of These Themes in Ecumenical Dialogue".

Paolo Negrini SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "'He Loved Them to the End' (Jn 13:1). Christ’s Self-Giving Love for Us, Revealed in Its Fullness in the Paschal Mystery, Enables Us to Live Our Life in Him, in the Trinity, in the Church and for the World, so That We Become Self-Giving, like Him".


John Paul Soro SDB


Desta Wolde Milkisa SDB


Paolo Negrini SDB


June 9 2018 - STS - Jerusalem On June 9, three STS Students successfully completed their Baccalaureate exams.

Vladimir Plasek SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "Christians Are Sons and Daughters in the Son: “But When the Fullness of Time Had Come, God Sent His Son, Born of a Woman, Born under the Law, to Ransom Those under the Law, So That We Might Receive Adoption. As Proof That You Are Children, God Sent the Spirit of His Son into Our Hearts, Crying Out, ‘Abba, Father’” (Gal 4:4-6)".

Gnana Pragash Rayappan SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "'God Became Man So That Man Could Become the Son Of God' (Athanasius). The Incarnation Reveals the Holy Trinity’s Project of Eternal Love and Manifests the Model of a New Humanity in Christ".

Andrea Lupi SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "The Parousia of the Lord As Condition For The Full Realization Of The Life In Christ".


Vladimir Plasek SDB


Gnana ragash Rayappan SDB


Andrea Lupi SDB


June 8 2018 - STS - Jerusalem On June 8, two STS Students successfully completed their Baccalaureate exams.

Vernon Lushibashi SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "Jesus Transcends Social Barriers, Offers Himself as the Sacrificial Lamb and Unites Divided Humanity".

Anil Kido SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "The Eucharist as an "Action of Christ and of the People of God Hierarchically Ordered" Is the Summit of Christian Life and the Source from Which the Church’s Action Takes Its Origin".

Vernon Lushibashi SDB

Anil Kido SDB


June 7 2018 - STS - Jerusalem On June 7, three STS Students successfully completed their Baccalaureate exams.

Benedetto Di Bitonto successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "'We Saw His Star at Its Rising and Have Come to Do Him Homage.' A Sign of Fulfillment, Salvation, Divinity and Universality: Theological Implications of Matthew 2:1-12".

Joel Moreira successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "Jesus’ Hour and Human Redemption: 'Amen, Amen, I Say to You, Unless a Grain of Wheat Falls to the Ground and Dies, It Remains Just a Grain of Wheat, but if It Dies, It Produces Much Fruit' (Jn 12:24)".

Tiziano Conti SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "'Truth, Freedom and Conscience: Christ, Who Taught That 'The Truth Will Set You Free' (Jn 8:32) and Described Himself as 'The Way, the Truth and the Life' (Jn 14:6) Illumines the Individual Conscience, Bringing Human Beings into the Fullness of Truth and Setting Them Free".

Benedetto Di Bitonto

Joel Moreira

Tiziano Conti SDB


June 6 2018 - STS - Jerusalem On June 6, three STS Students successfully completed their Baccalaureate exams.

Asmare Degeffe SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "The Trinitarian Love of God Fully Revealed in Jesus Christ and Offered to the Whole of Humanity through the Cooperation of His Mother Mary".

Javier Quinones Orengo SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "A Theology of Blessing: Divine Gift and Human Response for a Reconciled and Fruitful Humanity​ (​Eph 1: 3-14)".

Romero D’Souza SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "'And the Word Became Flesh' (Jn 1:14): Understanding the Eternal and Incarnate Word and Exploring the Intimate Link Between Christology and Soteriology".

Asmare Degeffe SDB

Javier Quinones Orengo SDB

Romero D'Souza SDB


June 5 2018 - STS - Jerusalem On June 5, three STS Students successfully completed their Baccalaureate exams.

Alemayehu Bedassa Tura SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "To Imitate the Father, to Live in Christ and to Be Led by the Spirit as Distinctive Characteristics of Christian Life".

Olivier Ndayikengurukiye M.Afr successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "The Multiform Action of the Word of God as Creating the World, as Actively Present in the Scriptures, as Incarnated for People's Salvation and as Sanctifying in the Sacraments".

Dominic Kondwani Kapatamoyo M.Afr successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "The Family as the Vital Cell of Society and the Church. The Trinity’s Original Design for the Family: Contemporary Challenges and the Need for Pastoral Guidance".

Alemayehu Bedassa Tura SDB

Olivier Ndayikengurukiye M.Afr

Dominic Kondwani Kapatamoyo M.Afr


June 4 2018 - STS - Jerusalem On June 4, the summer session of Baccalaureate exams began.  Three STS Students successfully completed their Baccalaureate exams.

Mathew Nice Kurian SDB successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "The Identity and Mission of Those Called to Follow Christ: Discipleship in Its Apostolic Origins and in Contemporary Christian Practice".

Raphael Patrick Sebyera Ndirenganya M.Afr successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "Universality of the Call to Be Children of God".

Simon Chege Njuguna M.Afr successfully presented his Theological Synthesis, "Jesus Christ, the Only Mediator between God and Humanity, Who Fulfilled His Universal Salvific Mission in His Paschal Mystery and Makes It Operative Now through His Church".

Mathew Nice Kurian SDB

Raphael Patrick Sebyera Ndirenganya M.Afr

Simon Chege Njuguna M.Afr


May 17 2018  Studium Theologicum Salesianum  Jerusalem The STS is proud to announce that Fr. Andrzej Toczyski, SDB, Assistant Professor of Sacred Scripture and Biblical Languages, has published his first book, The ‘Geometrics’ of the Rahab Story: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Joshua 2.  This scholarly monograph was released on May 17, 2018 by Bloomsbury T & T Clark publishers in London, as part of the prestigious Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies series.  It is based on his 2015 Ph.D. dissertation at Heythrop College, University of London, written under the guidance of Dr. Ann Jeffers.

Fr. Andrzej uses chapter 2 of the book of Joshua, the story of Rahab the prostitute, as an example for examining the relationship between the biblical text and its readers.  What linguistic factors within the Hebrew text guide the reading process?  How have successive generations of readers influenced one another’s interpretations?  How can the power of storytelling (an under-appreciated dimension of the Rahab story) provide grounds for inter-cultural dialogue in our postmodern world?

By approaching the text from a number of different perspectives and combining several exegetical methods, Fr. Andrzej presents a view of Joshua 2 which is truly multi-dimensional, or “geometrical” as the title indicates.  This type of fresh approach, which employs methodology precisely and creative ways, characterizes the best of current biblical scholarship.  The STS warmly congratulates Fr. Andrzej on this professional milestone which represents a significant contribution to the study of the Bible in the Church and in the academic world.

More information on the text is available on the Bloomsbury Publishing Website.


May 9 2018  Tantur Ecumenical Institute  Jerusalem On May 9, 2018, more than 100 Christians, Jews, and Muslims attended the Conference on “Interfaith Climate Change and Renewable Energy”, intended to engage religious leaders and community members in discussing and promoting environmentally sustainable practices and the use of renewable energy.

As for previous similar initiatives and also for this occasion, the STS found it meaningful and thought-provoking.

In an ever-increasing number, many are of the opinion that religious institutions should be involved and stimulated to make good use of renewable energy and provide support to their leaders and communities over a sustained period. Pope Francis moved in this direction in Laudato Si’. In fact, different numbers of the Exhortation talk about the problem of a model of development based on the intensive use of fossil fuels and on the need to substitute them by developing sources of renewable energy, even if such an endeavour would require the establishment of mechanisms and subsidies that allow developing countries access to technology transfer, technical assistance and financial resources.

Even recognizing that in many societies the priorities must be to eliminate extreme poverty and to promote the social development of their people, to acknowledge the ongoing pollution of the planet that cannot be undervalued. In this task, Catholic institutions have the potential to encourage a more efficient use of energy, to promote a better management of resources, to educate and actively help deploy solar and wind fields to bring electricity to their members, reduce indoor air pollution and deforestation, and curb climate change.

The full-working Day, organized in three Plenary Sessions – on “Climate Change and the Middle East: A scientific Perspective”, “The Religious Basis for Renewable Energy Use”, and “Renewable Energy Development on Regional Initiatives” –, two Breakout Workshops and an Ecological Walking Tour, was made even more pleasant by an assorted vegan lunch.

Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Apostolic Administrator of Jerusalem, stated: “There should be harmony and balance in creation, and we have to restore it. Fossil fuels exploit the earth in a sinful way, and pollution disrupts the harmony of creation. By contrast, renewable energies are respectful of harmony in creation.”

Dr. Alon Tal, Chair of the Department of Public Policy at Tel Aviv University, summed it up in stating: “In facing the challenge of climate change, faith and creed have a critical role to play in motivating the people of the planet to transform their personal and collective behaviour and practices. The climate crisis is not a crisis of technology, but one of values. In the age-old struggle between greed and generosity, religion has always had something to say.”

Rabbi Yonatan Neril, founder and director of the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development, said that “the first chapter of Genesis states that God created luminaries the sun and the moon– to shine light on the Earth. An abundance of solar energy reaches the Earth and we can harvest that energy to enable clean power for billions of people.”

The day included various small group discussions
More than 100 Christians, Jews, and Muslims attended the Conference
Plenary Session featuring (from L to R) Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa (Apostolic Administrator of Jerusalem), Rabbi Yonatan Neril (Founder & Director of Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development, Moderator), Yasmin Barhum (Facilitator at Living in the Levant) and Rabbi Yedidya Sinclair (Senior Rebbinic Scholar, Hazon)
Plenary Session featuring (from L to R) Dr Gershon Baskin (VP for Special Projects, Gigawatt Global, Moderator), Dr Giulia Giordano (International Affairs Manager, EcoPeace Middle East), Tahani Abu Daqqa (Former Minister of Culture, Palestinian Authority, Founder of Palestinian Solar Energy Association), Josef Abramowitz (CEO of Gigawatt Global)